Servicio de edición y distribución de libros (papel y eBooks)

ESPAÑOL 305-469-6796


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Genre Narrative: $195.
Novels, Short Stories, Testimonies, Essays, Self help, Philosophy... (Basically text with up to three illustrations and two tables)


Other genres and formats: We will send you an estimate within 24 hours of receiving the manuscript.

Poetry, Cooking Books, Children Stories, books with more than three illustrations and two tables, books with Mathematical Symbols, books with Musical Scores...
(Complex Formats)


Professional custom cover design in full color included, at no cost

To submit a manuscript or a free consultation:




Before publication

Send your book to Alexandria Library in Microsoft Word format. How to prepare and send the manuscript)

You set the retail price


We get your book published and distributed for sale permanently through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Library, Kobo, Sony Reader, Diesel and other eBooks bookstores, covering almost 100% of the eBooks retailers.


After the publication

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Receive from 60-70% royalties from the sales price

Your royalties are transferred into your bank account, PayPal or paid by check.
Non-exclusivity. You are free to publish and sell your ebook in other markets.

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You have one time cost, and retain all royalties


1st Step: Send us an email with your manuscript in Word attached:

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